Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lisa went shopping today

Lisa and my mother went shopping today in Rice Lake. Doesn't sound spectacular, I know, but Winter is a small town. Anyway, she came back with clear glass coffee mugs like the blue ones and red ones we usually have. They'll be available with most coffee mug-appropriate designs for $8.95 each, the same price as the blue and red. She also got some blue glass plates in two sizes. Plans are that these will have snowmen. I don't know what the prices will be yet, but I'll keep you up-to-date. One special note about these: Unlike the jars, mugs, wineglasses, etc., the plates will be decorative only, not for food use. The reason for this is that the paint manufacturer is unwilling to disclose the paint formula as they would have to for food-safe listing from the good old FDA. So... when the paint is on the food surface, the piece isn't for food. Later... Randy

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